
Feminist Solidarity Fest comes to London

Fourth Wave: London Feminist Activists have announced plans for a Feminist Solidarity
Fest, to be held on Sunday 6th September 2015, at 2pm in Hyde Park. On the event’s website, they describe Feminist Solidarity Fest as the opportunity to show “that gender
equality is important, it’s a priority, and unfortunately, it’s still not yet a
reality.” They describe two main reasons for organising the event:

“1. To remind ourselves, and the media, of just how many
people want gender equality in the UK (and globally) today. Feminist Solidarity
Fest isn’t just for the strident feminists out there, it’s for everyone who
agrees that men and women should be equal. It’s time we stood up and were
counted. There are still so many goals that the majority of people want: an end
to violence against women, equal pay for equal work, a right to equal education
and opportunities for boys and girls. Greater gender equality in the UK would
benefit everyone.

2. To bridge the divides between feminist groups for one day
and remind ourselves of our common goals. We want to establish a feeling of community
amongst feminists, giving all you lovely people the opportunity to meet one
another, and we want to fight the idea that infighting is inevitable. Finally,
we want to create a cohesive, powerful movement. After all, we’re stronger

The festival is also a response to the current government,
which has further disadvantaged women with its increased public spending cuts.

Feminist Solidarity Fest has released its first batch of speakers and performers,
which includes Labour, Green, and Conservative politicians, spoken word poets,
comedians, musicians and organisations such as Great Men Value Women and the
Schools Consent Project. It also includes Parallel’s very own editor and
founder, Sophie Elliott.

The event is free, and welcome to everybody. Fourth Wave
have requested that anyone who would like to be involved with Feminist
Solidarity Fest get in touch with them either at or via the Facebook event. As a grassroots project designed to be “built from the ground up, by the feminist community in London and UK”, Feminist Solidarity Fest is seeking new ideas for content at the event, support from organisations, and importantly, volunteers.

We’ll be there, and we hope you will too!


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